Understanding the Causes of Acute Neck and Back Pain

Experience relief from acute neck and back pain in Bellevue, WA, by partnering with Dr. Daniel Brzusek of NW Rehabilitation Associates, Inc.

What Are the Common Causes of Acute Neck and Back Pain?

 Neck and back pain are common health problems. Just about everyone experiences some form of neck or back pain at some point. While many people can recover from those conditions quickly, others are not as fortunate. To understand why that happens, you should check out the common causes of neck and back pain.

Your bad habits can explain why you are experiencing those health issues. Slouching at your desk can put excessive pressure on your neck and back. Remaining in one position for too long can also place plenty of strain on those joints. Smoking is another harmful habit because it can damage the structures in your spine.

Older individuals are more susceptible to neck and back pain because those symptoms are commonly associated with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is characterized by the deterioration of cartilage between the joints in your spine. As the cartilage wears down, the bones in your back and neck will make contact more frequently. You’ll experience more pain because of that.

Osteoarthritis is not the only age-related condition capable of causing significant neck and back discomfort. Spinal discs become less flexible as people age, thus making them more likely to tear. Once a spinal disc ruptures, it can apply pressure on surrounding structures and cause pain.

The tasks you perform at your job can also explain your back and neck issues. If you repeatedly perform tasks that engage your neck and back, those parts of your body become more vulnerable to overuse injuries. Those injuries are notorious for damaging soft tissues.

Consult Dr. Brzusek of NW Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. if you need acute neck and back pain treatment in Bellevue, WA.

How Can Your Doctor Treat Your Acute Neck and Back Pain?

 Doctors can put forth numerous treatment solutions for acute neck and back pain.

For instance, your doctor can prescribe medication for your chronic discomfort. Anti-inflammatory medication is especially effective for addressing the underlying causes of the aforementioned conditions.

Treatment that involves hot or cold packs can also work well for your lingering pain. The hot and cold packs can provide good results because they can alleviate inflammation.

After addressing your acute neck and back pain, your doctor can teach you exercises to prevent those issues from recurring. Those exercises can focus on strengthening and mobilizing your back and neck. Continue performing those exercises even after you have recovered.

Call (425) 453-1000 to arrange acute neck and back pain treatment sessions in Bellevue, WA, with Dr. Brzusek of NW Rehabilitation Associates, Inc

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